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HomeRecruitmentCover Letter: Is It Necessary for a Resume

Cover Letter: Is It Necessary for a Resume

Do You Need a Cover Letter for a Resume? Decoding the Importance and Impact

There is a never-ending discussion going on about the significance of cover-letter in the world of job hunting. Do you need to submit these together with your application, or can you get away with simply sending in your resume? The reality is that there is not always a clear-cut right or wrong solution. In this article, we’ll investigate whether or not a cover-letter is required when submitting a resume: “Do you need a cover letter for a resume?”

In this lesson, we will discuss the function of cover letters, the circumstances in which they might be helpful, and the instances in which you might choose not to send one. By the time you reach the conclusion of this article, you will have a crystal-clear knowledge of whether or not a cover letter is the missing puzzle piece in your road toward applying for a job.

The Purpose of a Cover Letter

Let us first gain an understanding of the purpose of cover letters before delving into the deliberation process. Imagine that your CV is a picture of your job history and the qualifications you possess. It is a condensed summary that highlights your experiences and skills in an organized manner. Now, picture your cover letter as the narrative that provides additional layers of meaning and context to the snapshot you just created.

A cover-letter is important for a number of reasons, including the following:

  1. Introduction: It gives the employer an opportunity to become acquainted with you and offers a look into your personality and preferred method of communication.
  2. Showcasing Enthusiasm: A well-written cover letter allows you to show your real interest in the position as well as the firm that you are applying to.
  3. Highlighting Relevance: You can use the cover-letter to explain how your abilities and experiences are relevant to the job requirements, and you should do so in a way that stands out as relevant.
  4. Addressing Gaps or Special Circumstances: If you have employment gaps or other special circumstances that need to be addressed, the cover-letter is the place to do so.

When a Cover Letter Can Make a Difference

  1. Customization: A cover-letter that is specifically written for the position you are applying for might set your application apart from the other candidates. It is an opportunity for you to explain why you are a good fit for the post that has been offered to you.
  2. Career Change: If you are moving into a new industry or field, writing a cover-letter that demonstrates your transferable talents might assist bridge the gap between your previous experience and your new endeavor.
  3. Addressing Potential Concerns: A cover-letter can provide context and relieve any concerns an employer might have if your resume contains gaps or if you have had a number of job changes in a short period of time.
  4. Expressing Enthusiasm: A cover-letter gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the firm and the role in a way that a resume is unable to do.
  5. Unique Situations: A cover-letter can clarify your circumstances if you are relocating, returning to the workforce after a hiatus, or making any other non-standard changes.

When You Might Skip the Cover Letter

While cover letters have their merits, there are instances where they might not be necessary or impactful:

  1. Specific Instructions: Follow the Specific Instructions If a job advertising reads “resume only” or does not offer the opportunity to submit a cover-letter, it is in your best interest to adhere to the requirements outlined in the posting.
  2. Industry Norms: Norms within the Industry In some fields or positions where cover letters are less typical, omitting one from your application might not put you at a disadvantage compared to other applicants.
  3. Repetitive Information: Information That Is Repeated If your cover-letter only restates the information that is already included in your resume, it is possible that it does not provide significant value.
  4. Limited Impact: Your application could be harmed if the cover-letter you provide is poorly written, generic, or fails to properly represent the strengths you bring to the table.

Making the Decision: To Cover Letter or Not to Cover Letter

The following are some of the most important considerations to keep in mind while deciding whether or not to add a cover letter:

  1. Job Type and Industry: Before applying for a job, do some research to find out whether or not cover letters are typical for the industry in which you work and the position for which you are seeking.
  2. Application Instructions: It is imperative that you adhere to the employer’s directions at all times. If they state that a cover-letter is required, you should certainly send one.
  3. Your Story: Think about whether or not a cover-letter might strengthen your application by providing a fascinating tale or addressing any issues. If it can, you should consider sending one.
  4. Time and Effort: Writing a powerful cover-letter requires an investment of time. Consider if the effort will be worthwhile in light of the possible consequences.


In the end, there is no clear-cut answer to the question of whether or not a cover letter is necessary to accompany a resume. Even though a well-written cover letter can add credibility to your application and demonstrate your interest in the position, it is not always required to submit one. Evaluate each application for a job on its own, taking into account elements such as the standards of the business, the application instructions, and the specific value that a cover letter might bring to your narrative.

Having this knowledge will put you in a better position to make an educated decision that is congruent with your objectives and increases the likelihood of your being successful throughout the process of finding a new employment.

Also, read our blog Resume Writing: 10 Steps to write an Effective Resume


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